Adam’s Hope House is a 501c3 non-profit organization. We need your support to open our doors to restore hope and save lives.
Adam’s Hope House is a grassroots community based project in the early stages of development created to provide a solution to the ever-growing pandemic of suicide. It is our goal to inspire a cooperative effort among communities, therapists, physicians, families, and peers to provide healthy alternatives and coping skills for people experiencing anxiety, depression, addiction, grief, isolation and/or feelings of hopelessness. We are currently seeking the financial support needed to open our doors and start providing much needed services. Please let us know if you’d like to help, have any questions, or are in need of help.
VOLUNTEER: If you’d like to become a volunteer for Adam’s Hope House you can find out more here.
DONATE TO A CAUSE: If you’d like to make a donation to help us Restore hope and Save lives please support one of our causes.
Adam C. Metzger passed away from suicide on 10/31/2013. Shortly after on Thanksgiving of 2013 the idea for Adam’s Hope House was born. Adam’s mother Naomi envisioned this foundation after experiencing the failure of the system to help her son survive his suicidal thoughts. Although hospitalization kept Adam safe for the duration of his stay, it did little to help him regain hope to keep on living. Adam completed his suicide 10 days after discharge from the hospital.
As the creative energy gave way to new ideas, Adam’s Hope House officially became a 501c3 non-for-profit organization. Numerous volunteers came together to support this most important effort. The Facebook page was created and quickly gained thousands of followers. The word was spreading about this important mission to Restore Hope and Save Lives. AHH received the Artists Music Guild Humanitarian Award.
Fundraising efforts focused on establishing a viable space to be able to assist those in need of our services. Increasing discussions with politicians occurred. A highly committed core group of facilitators came together to start transforming the vision into tangible programs. The search began to find a physical location.
Currently, AHH is sharing space with the Tri CYA, a not-for-profit agency dedicated to supporting youth and families in local communities surrounding Huntington, NY. It is our goal to begin a working model by providing services to a selected group by January 2017. Additionally, we are working on the concept of a virtual Adam’s Hope House, so that people everywhere may have access to the services we provide.

January 14, 1990 – October 31, 2013
“Stars shine through the night leaving shadows once glowing bright. I am the one who stands aside and lets the world bring me comfort tonight. Because I have lost all materialistic needs and breathe only for my emotions. Joined in blood I vow my return, and this is how it shall be , because I am in control of my own destiny.”
– anonymous / Adam’s last Facebook post